terça-feira, junho 20, 2006

Terra Lunar Vermelha

Vamos à Festa, rapaziada!

"When I say it´s not just a disco under the coconut trees, it´s an initiation, or it´s not just a party, that´s because when you dance, you become one with everything. ...Then you stop thinking. You´re one with your body and one with the experience of what´s happening at that time, right? Now, if you get a guide who can keep you there one after another, taking it up and up,... then after awhile you go into trance. He can take you beyond thought, beyond mind, beyond own - individuality, into this experience of freedom and this oneness in this kind of space. That´s the object of the thing."
Goa Gil - in "Redefining the Ancient Tribal Ritual for the 21st Century"


Blogger nusaminusa said...

"You´re one with your body and one with the experience of what´s happening at that time"

não podia estar mais certo!
são momentos mágicos, nossos e daqueles com quem os partilhamos!

ainda não percebi onde é a festa (onde é mesmo?)

obrigado pelo convite =)

6/20/2006 6:49 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Fun Ta Estico!...

6/21/2006 11:26 da manhã  

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