sexta-feira, setembro 30, 2005

For a while

Rui Duarte (RAMP vocals)

"Close your eyes
Free your reasons guide
Take a breath of simple life
Feel the air coming through your soul
Dragging you into unknown
For a while, just fly, just let it flow
For a while, just slide, just let it go
For a while, don't mind, just take it slow
For a while, taste time and feel your own, roam
So wipe the tears
From your raging smile
Settle down your trembling mind
Waste your fears make (th)´em go away
Feed your strenght to break this strain
For a while, just fly, just let it flow
For a while, just slide, just let it go
For a while, don't mind, just take it slow
For a while, taste time and feel your own, roam"


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Quando os guerreiros retornam de uma batalha ocultam o seu poder dentro de si próprios, recuam - no, como se faz às asas.Largam as suas armas. Aprende a destacar-te dos teus próprios actos. Age livremente, depois torna a ti mesmo de mãos vazias, ser-te-á concedida da paz. Sioux -;-@

10/03/2005 2:34 da manhã  

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